Lost Password Recovery (WordPress 3)


How to Reset My WordPress 3 Admin Pass. – The following will explain how to recover your administrator password, in this tutorial I assume that you’re the website owner and you have access to the administrative area of your hosting account. So, if you lost your administrator (admin) password for yourwebsite.com/wp-admin you should:
Part 1.
Before hacking your account you should try to recover it by email. Just navigate to yourwebsite.com/wp-admin and follow the link at the bottom which says “Lost your password?”. A new page will appear, just enter “admin” and hit “Get new password”. It will send you an email with password recovery link. In most cases this would be the happy ending but I assume that you might not have configured your emailing system correctly or could not receive this email due to any other circumstances. So let’s skip to the next part.

Part 2.
So, as I already mentioned, I assume that you are the owner of this hosting account. I was able to get the help of my friend who’s an expert in .net cms too. This is because you will need to access configuration files and database management panel (phpMyAdmin). If you know your database username and password you may skip to part 3. If you don’t know these details, don’t worry, your wordpress has to use them to access database so you will find them on your server files. Just navigate to your public directory using FTP (it could be named public_html,www,htdocs). You will find your website files there, now try to find wp-config.php. Open it with your text editor to see the contents. Scroll down to find something similar to this:

/** The name of the database for WordPress */
define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘databasename’);

/** MySQL database username */
define(‘DB_USER’, ‘dbuser’);

/** MySQL database password */
define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘somepassword’);

/** MySQL hostname */
define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’);

This is what you need for your database access.

Part 3.
Now use these login details to access your phpMyAdmin panel. Usually you should be able to access it by navigating to any of these url’s:


If that doesn’t work for you, please contact your hosting provider, they should give you the correct URL. You may also find it on the hosting account registration email where all your other details were listed.

Part 4.
At this point you should be looking at your phpMyAdmin panel. On the left side of the screen you should see databases listed. Navigate to wp_users table and hit “browse” on the horizontal menu (top of the screen).

If you see users listed, or at least one user “admin”, you’re almost there. Now click the pencil icon on the “admin” row. Look at the field names, “user_pass” should have some letter/number combination which is not your password. It’s actually a hash string of your encrypted password. Just replace it with this:


And you’re done, your password is now “admin” so just use admin admin to access your websites administrative area and don’t forget to change it as soon as you’ll be in.

I hope this worked!

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